Singing Guide: Deborah S. Craig

Singing Guide: Deborah S. Craig

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Vocal Technique

Deborah S. Craig has an impressive vocal range and her unique voice allows her to perform both musical theater and pop music with ease. Her dynamic singing can be attributed to her mastery of mixed voice. A mixed voice integrates the head voice and chest voice, resulting in a fuller, richer sound that blends the vibrancy of the head register with the warmth of the chest register. Craig's impressive use of vibrato also sets her apart. She can create a fast vibrato that adds texture to her singing, adding depth and complexity to her performance.

Practice Exercises

  • Warm-up with Humming: Before you begin singing, it is essential to warm up your vocal cords. Start with a 3-minute warm-up that includes mouth openings, lip trills, and hums. The 3 Minute Warm Up exercise is perfect for this and will help you develop breath control, relaxation, and accurate pitch.
  • Mixed Voice & Voice Break: Understanding and mastering the mixed voice is one of the keys to singing like Craig. The Voice Break video will show you how to move from head voice to mixed voice without a crack or break in your voice. Similarly, the Mixed Voice video demonstrates how to transition smoothly between registers and utilize the full potential of your vocal range.
  • Vibrato: Vibrato adds texture and emotion to singing. Practice a fast vibrato, similar to Craig's, with the Beggars Bounce video and Diaphragm Bounce video. These exercises are great for developing control over your vibrato and enhancing your vocal sound quality.
  • Breath & Sustain: Craig's singing is characterized by long, sustained notes. Practice breath control and extending your notes with the Sustain Vocal video.
  • Posture: Finally, good posture is critical for proper breathing and singing. The Good Singing Posture video demonstrates how to stand or sit correctly while singing, improving your vocal clarity and breath control.

Practicing with Singing Carrots

Singing Carrots can also help you hone your singing skills like Craig with the following resources:


Deborah S. Craig is a vocal powerhouse, characterized by her dynamic use of mixed voice, fast vibrato and long, sustained notes. Her skill is attainable with practice and attention to detail. Combine the practical exercise videos listed above with resources available on Singing Carrots to hone your singing, and ultimately achieve the vocal finesse of Deborah S. Craig.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.